Friday, August 7, 2009

today is friday!

in my bed! 
this morning ms haney looked over my work. i think i'm on the right track i need to draw draw and draw more though. this morning we traveled to the guggenheim, this is my least favorite museum we have visited thus far. the building although complex seemed very cold. the frank loyd wright exhibit contained only black and white. i prefer to look at more of a value range. one thing i really liked was the fact the ramps made the museum seem more of a whole rather than choppy with all the different levels. i made my way through the museum fairly quickly. the permanent exhibit was rather impressive and contained a variety of pieces.

a group of us went to lunch in an area close to the empire state building. the nachos=YUMMY. service=terrible. we finally caught up with the rest of the group after surpassing many a tourist at the empire state building. i don't do well with heights so i grabbed sarahs hand on the 80 floor ride up to the top. i got some nice pictures on the top  but was not able to draw with all of the crowds shuffling around. wyatt asked me to a yankees game but i have to work! ahh. 

dora lee

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