Friday, August 7, 2009

Subway Art

I have to say as much as I love the subway system and how convenient it makes travel around the city I really do hate the subway platforms. Its usually hot and muggy. Lots of people are there, unless its late at night in which case no one else is there. And then you wait for your train to come, which can take anywhere from 5 to 45 minutes. Thats also annoying, for the rest of your day you may be stuck in a crowd, climbing stairs or riding in a packed elevator but you can still take comfort in knowing that you are moving at least a little. You are making progress and moving towards your goal. On a subway platform you come to a complete stop. There is nothing you can do to hurry the process up and you are completely dependent on the subway system.

However, one thing I do love about the MTA that they try to liven up as many of the platforms as possible. They include art in the walls. Different designs and themes individual to each platform. Not all the stops have art work, but many do. It keeps the often times monotonous and dirty platforms from being unbearable. For me at least, the art prompts me to consider why that particular design was chosen for that particular subway station. Sometimes its easy, like the art on the C E Line at the 81st St./ Museum of Natural History stop is pretty easy to figure out. Its animals and natural phenomena on the walls and thus a no brainer as to the connection. But then you have stops like the 14th Street A C Stop that has curious little characters holding money bags perched at random intervals throughout the station and you just stand there wondering. Or the AC stop on Canal street with the black birds perched everywhere. Just makes no sense.

I personally feel that the art enlivens a rather boring and oppressive space. Similar to the musicians who play on the platforms, subway art gives commuters something to occupy there minds with and lift their spirit through.

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