Saturday, August 8, 2009

Last two days of Museums.

Friday afternoon, we visited The Guggenheim. This was definitely my least favorite of all of the museums we have been to. Frank Lloyd Wright's exhibit was amazing to take in, but his design of the Guggenheim does not serve well as a public museum, in my opinion. The Guggenheim is uncomfortable to walk, either way, down or up. Because the walls are rounded off, no large compositions could be hung for display. The rooms that are used as art galleries are too tiny for the large crowds that visit the museum.
This morning, Saturday, we ventured out on our last museum visit. Sarah, Robert and I chose to visit the Brooklyn Museum, after a good recommendation from Erica. I was fascinated with Shonibare's mannequin exhibit. All the different types of medium used to create different compositions was amazing! The girl in me, enjoyed Art Smith's jewelry exhibition. Normally people do not take into consideration all the different forms of art, and that jewelry making is an art in itself. I really enjoyed all the museum had to offer, even though it was a quick trip. Another benefitting factor was that it wasn't too crowded like most of the other places we have been too.
I'm excited about dinner tonight and can't wait to see y'all!

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